Sebastian Wolf

Project Manager

Sebastian Wolf

Project Manager
Sebastian Wolf advises the European real estate industry with a focus on strategic and organisational realignment, process optimisation and sustainability.

Sebastian is a Project Manager at RITTERWALD and has been based in Berlin since 2015. He specialises in purchasing and maintenance optimisation. He was involved in the development of the Certified Sustainable Housing Label to assess the sustainability efforts of housing companies and accompanies companies in ESG ratings.

Sebastian Wolf holds a BSc in Business Administration and a BSc in Economics, both from Kiel University, and also earned a Master’s in Economics at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen.

He gained international experience in Norway during a semester abroad at the Norges Handelshøyskole in Bergen. In addition to his studies, he worked as a tutor for mathematics and at the Chair of Mobility, Trade and Logistics at Zeppelin University.

Sebastian is a book lover, and finds inspiration outside the mainstream in second-hand bookshops. He enjoys going to the cinema, especially Berlin’s Zoopalast. A new passion is gardening and handicrafts — from chipping tiles to wallpapering to milling tree stumps.
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