Alexandra Brennecke

Senior Project Manager

Alexandra Brennecke

Senior Project Manager
Alexandra Brennecke specialises in real estate consulting, with a particular focus on make-or-buy decisions and their economic representation in business plans. She also advises our clients on strategic realignment, performance improvement and reorganisation.

Alexandra Brennecke is a project manager in the Berlin office and since 2011 at RITTERWALD. She has extensive experience in energy management and metering services, IFM, restructuring and performance improvement in in the real estate industry.

Prior to joining RITTERWALD, Alexandra Brennecke spent more than two years with consultancy Arthur D. Little working on strategy projects in the energy sector and telecommunications industry throughout Europe. She then worked for the photovoltaic company Conergy in Hamburg.

Alexandra Brennecke studied Business Administration at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg and completed a certified training as a project coordinator in the field of renewable energies.

Alexandra likes to spend time in her garden. She also enjoys creative DIY projects.
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